Friday, September 30, 2005

another farewell

to Ate Rowie.

fare you well.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

in front of the stars

Sunday, September 18, 2005

the week in pictures - 2005-0918

The gang at the men's bible study.

Flying a kite.

Hanging out at Ate Malu's.

Levi and Liza (taken by E).



I try to avoid taking "detail" shots, but here are 2 of them: this one is a scene at lunch today.

This is one of a chandelier. Also from lunch.

Ate Rowie at the guitar.

Ate Malu and Allan in the kitchen.


Sunday, September 11, 2005

feet and other stuff

De feet.

just a small pile of rock we ordered to replace our old bark in the landscaping.

Woe is me. Oh, the problems babies have.

Messy desk. I thought I'd share a photo of it.

in my dont bother me im [pretending to be] busy mode.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

3 weeks in the box

as of last wednesday I have fulfilled my civic duty as a trial juror (for my first time). it was quite an experience -- I described it before as both disturbing and fascinating.

unless one has gone through this before, it is hard to understand how heavily the responsibility of passing judgement on another human weighs on one's soul. that is, passing judgement knowing that not all questions have been answered. it was enough to drive some of the jurors to tears as the judgement, our judgement, was being read.

so although I was still feeling quite fatigued last thursday and friday, I am starting to regain my energy, and I can look forward to days of relative peace of mind.

it was M's birthday last friday. after spending the day just driving around town, Malu again offered to watch the baby so we could see a movie. a dilemma, since there aren't many good movies today. I, naturally, would have wanted to see constant gardener, although I also wouldn't mind waiting for the DVD.

We settled, instead, for brothers grimm. while we didn't think it was superb, we both felt it had a cleverly developed plot, and it bore the humor that I expected of director terry gilliam (who many know is the only american member of monthy python.

then, what do you know, when we came back to Malu's house, a celebration dinner was already prepared. I love it! ;) Ramon and Joyce were able to join us.

so much for updates. here, as usual, is our the week in pictures.

Kayla at the volleyball net we set up.

Jacob here was actually swaying to a song on the radio.

scenes on the lake.

angels guarded the way.

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